Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gulf of Mexico - the responsibility is also ours

OFF THE RECORD:  One thing the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico shows me is that we as a species and a society are not at peace with this planet! 

As a teenager struggles for independence from it's parents, we fight against mother earth and her natural order. 

Its easy to blame a corporation, but each of us plays a role in this disaster by living as we do.  Do you drive a car?  Do you heat with oil?  Do you use personal care products or cosmetics made with petroleum derivatives?  Do you purchase toys, home goods, office supplies or disposable items made from petroleum-based plastic(most plastic is PET based)?  Did you side your house with vinyl?   Do you see how this is a global problem?  We are all creating this mess.  The good news is we have the power to STOP hurting mother earth.

We may even be able to begin a healing process.

I encourage you to commit to changing one thing each day to lessen your reliance on petroleum products.

We are not powerless and we do not have to point fingers. The path of peace puts the responsibility and the power in our hands and voices.

I will sing and chant for peace on Monday, and my first commitment to environmental change is to stop purchasing products made from petroleum based plastics.

Will you join me?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Confessions of a Typeface Junkie

I'm envisioning a website to get tweens psyched about science...  thinking about fonts, layout, etc...
Font Squirrel has an excellent assortment of opensource typefaces.  So far,
my fave is

It's fun to look at, and it's got a great name. But, I wonder if kids might be more drawn to headlines in

3dumb also comes in 2dumb (a 2dimensional hand-drawn typeface).   I love the movement and irreverence of both.  There's hundreds to choose from.  Here are a few more of my faves:

My daughter just walked in.  These are her top 3:

OFF THE RECORD:  Veggieburger's got me looking for ketchup.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Good Stuff

OFF THE RECORD:  I'm not that hip to the Beantown scene.

Although I grew up in MA, and moved back to the commonwealth a few years ago, I never really got into Boston life.  So, magazines that cater to Bostonians have never really "done it" for me... until recently.

While eating organic vegan sushi in Brookline, I picked up a copy of the freebie rag, STUFF.

Why?  Who knows, but I'm glad I got it, because otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this extremely well-written, informative, useful and moving article, "Renewed Self, Revamped Style," written by Scott Kearnan.

Check it out, and then visit to support a great business and a great cause.
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